All children and families deserve to live free from hunger and poverty.
We’re going to make that happen. We’re helping communities feed children with our No Kid Hungry campaign and addressing the root causes of hunger and poverty.
It’s a big job, but we’re not alone. We believe that everyone has a strength to share.
Fighting Hunger and Poverty for 40 Years
From a humble beginning in a rowhouse in Washington DC nearly 40 years ago, Share Our Strength has become a leader in the nonprofit sector, raising and granting more than $600 million to fund programs designed to help vulnerable children and families.
In 2010, the organization launched the No Kid Hungry campaign, which proved to be not only a powerful engine for raising money and awareness, but an effective way to work directly with programs on the ground.
Today we’re expanding our work beyond the No Kid Hungry campaign to address the root causes of hunger and poverty.
Share Our Strength is founded in an unassuming DC rowhouse. (One of our very first computers was donated by Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple.)
The first-ever Taste of the Nation event raises $250,000. That was a lot of money back then.
We teamed up with American Express for “Charge Against Hunger”, one of the first major cause marketing campaigns which raised over $20 million for anti-hunger groups across the country.
Cooking Matters (then called Operation Frontline) launches, focused on helping families shop for and cook healthy food on a budget.
We launch Community Wealth Partners, our consulting firm, to help other nonprofits succeed.
The first pilot projects for what would become No Kid Hungry get underway.
Share Our Strength holds Dine Out for No Kid Hungry (then called The Great American Dine Out).
We officially launch the No Kid Hungry campaign, along with national spokesman Jeff Bridges.
We create Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry, a 300-mile endurance bike ride, which quickly becomes a premiere fundraising event for chefs looking to give back.
No Kid Hungry responds to the COVID pandemic, providing over $100 million in emergency grants to communities across the country and helping pass critical legislation to help families.
In the wake of the pandemic, our work expands to address not only childhood hunger, but the socioeconomic forces that cause it.
Share Our Strength celebrates its 40th anniversary.
It Takes More Than Food To End Hunger.
Hunger is a problem we know how to fix. Since our inception we’ve been leaders in reducing the number of kids experiencing hunger.
2.5 billion
meals provided to kids since March 2020
$150 million +
in grants to communities since March 2020