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Ending Hunger

No child should go hungry in the United States. That’s the goal – and the promise – of our No Kid Hungry campaign.

Mayor's Alliance

With a membership of more than 200 city mayors, the Mayor’s Alliance to End Childhood Hunger harnesses the individual and collective leadership of mayors to end childhood hunger in communities nationwide.

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No Kid Hungry

Every kid needs three meals a day to thrive. But today in America, too many children are missing those meals. The good news? This is a problem we know how to solve. Using tactics such as advocacy, grantmaking and awareness, we’re ending child hunger.

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African American mom kissing her baby

Helping Families

We help children and their families get the resources they need to be healthy and strong.

Family Economic Mobility

Through our Family Economic Mobility program, we’re providing grants and support to local organizations across the country that are tackling “root cause” issues of hunger, and pursuing legislation that protects and advances the economic interests of working people.

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Food Skills Education

When it comes to kids growing up healthy, it’s hard to do better than good meals served at home. For many years, our Cooking Matters program worked in communities to help parents and caregivers develop their skills when shopping for and cooking healthy foods on a budget.

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Disaster Relief

When disasters strike communities, Share Our Strength mobilizes our network and swiftly provides resources to help. Thanks to long-term relationships with community groups around the country, we’re able to quickly turn funding into desperately-needed resources.

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Building a Movement

Helping kids requires more than effective programs. We also have to create public support and political will.

Advocating for Kids

We generate awareness and public support for our issues through advocacy and communications. That support flows from ordinary Americans to their elected leaders, helping create real change for everyone.

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Changing the Story

To help change the story about hunger and poverty, we invest in marketing, communications and fundraising to help Americans understand the challenges that our communities are facing – and support effective solutions.

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International Work

As we’ve had success reducing childhood hunger in the United States, we’ve since expanded that approach to India, working with local leaders to raise funds, inspire champions and rally supporters around the goal of feeding children.

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Food Justice Series

This series of conversations examines the roots and evolution of the food movement and the ways it intersects with race and class, as well as with educational, environmental and health inequities.

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Our mission is to end hunger and poverty in the U.S. and abroad.

How do we do that? Through our campaigns, like No Kid Hungry, which will end childhood hunger in the United States, and programs like Cooking Matters.

It’s a big job, but we’re not alone. We believe that everyone has a strength to share.

2.5 million

meals provided to kids since March 2020

$136 million

in grants to communities since March 2020