Encouraging news to start the new year: bipartisan ship prevails with National Commission on Hunger
The National Commission on Hunger created by Congress issued its report this morning and although five of us were appointed by the Democratic leadership of Congress, and five by the Republican leadership, we managed to be unanimous in support of nearly 20 recommendations to help end hunger in the United States. Such bipartisanship is rare in Washington today. But we wanted to set an example of how people with very different views and political backgrounds could – with time, patience, and good will – come together on behalf of those most vulnerable and voiceless. One of my Commission colleagues, Jeremy Everett, and I issued a statement that gives more details as to what we achieved @ https://medium.com/@billshore/joint-statement-on-the-new-national-commission-on-hunger-report-29d523292db0#.o227pqgit And it includes a link to the report itself. Let’s hope it’s an omen for the year ahead!