The second installment in our series of curated episodes revolves around the controversial topics of diversity and immigration. Guests that include renowned chef and humanitarian Jose Andres, former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, Oxfam America’s president and CEO Abby Maxman, former Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera, and president and CEO of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Marco Davis share personal stories and impactful insights about America’s complicated and painful history with diversity.

Check out the original episodes by following the links below.


“You have to think about how much our country has benefited from immigration and how immigrants have brought new life, new energy, new views.” — former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell (Sep 18, 2018)


“Nobody wants to leave the comfort of their homes, the place they belong. They don’t want to go to a faraway land that they don’t know. Let’s provide those people the reason why they should be successful, where they are, where they live.” — Jose Andres (Oct 18, 2016)


“I think that the diversity that our nation has is a tremendous asset and the truth is it’s only going to grow in diversity because of the smaller, smaller planet that we occupy. And that’s a good thing.” — former Secretary of the Army Louis Caldera (April 25, 2018)


“We know that [immigration and refugee issues] requires political will and a lot of other things, but we’re working tirelessly at all angles – whether it’s behind the scenes or in those public spaces – to call out the, the unacceptables and the things that we really need to change.” — Oxfam America president and CEO Abby Maxman (November 29, 2017)


“This is the situation in America, for better or worse, it’s changing right now in these last couple of years. But the reality is that even as people are starting to have more conversations about race, ethnicity, diversity, we don’t have a common vocabulary. We don’t have a common understanding about the issue.” — Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute president and CEO Marco Davis (May 30, 2018)

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