Welcome back and best wishes for the New Year. I hope you had a wonderful respite with friends and family, made even sweeter by the satisfaction of knowing that last year your support of Share Our Strength made the lives of millions of children better than they were before.
In this time of ritual, renewal, resolutions, and all kinds of advice, it’s hard to say it better than Pope Francis did in a new year’s message that specifically called out the issue of hunger. The Pope spoke of witnessing “men, women and children fleeing war, hunger and persecution.” He called on people to “overcome the indifference which blocks solidarity, and to leave behind the false neutrality which prevents sharing”.
I tend to follow political leaders more closely that religious leaders. But I find myself quoting the Pope more often than others because he is one of the few world leaders who not only cares about what we care about, but also uses language we use, talking about hunger, the voiceless, indifference, and sharing. Coverage of the Pope’s remarks can be found @ http://tinyurl.com/jy4z22n
During 2016 Share Our Strength has the opportunity to turn words into action. We have the talent, team, strategy and resources to succeed. Let’s make every moment count. Again, happy New Year, and welcome back.