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21 July 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Chef Tom Colicchio and Senator Bob Kerrey on the Power of Citizenship

Is our divided political culture energizing or suppressing democracy? Former Nebraska Governor and US Senator Bob Kerrey and renowned chef...

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14 July 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Jim Wallis on Poverty, Racism and COVID-19

How do we protect those most vulnerable to poverty and racism? Originally aired in April 2020, Sojourners’ Founder Jim Wallis...

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07 July 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Nicholas Kristof on Social Justice for Native Americans

Originally recorded in December 2020, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Nicholas Kristof and Johns Hopkins Center for American Indian Health Director Allison Barlow...

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06 July 2021
Food Insecurity

Food Insecurity and Mental Health: The Silent and Devastating Impacts

Now a professor of pediatric medicine at George Washington University, Dr. Kofi Essel uses the analogy of a deadly snake...

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30 June 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Kathy Edin on Poverty in America, Part 1

Long ago in 2017 when welfare reform was not on the national agenda and before the new Child Tax Credi...

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25 June 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Jeff Bridges and his Daughter Isabelle on Nourishing Family

Why is it so important to nourish ourselves and each other? On a special Father’s Day episode, actor and musicia...

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16 June 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Hallie and Danny Meyer on Learning from Each Other

In a special Father’s Day episode, Danny Meyer (Shake Shack, Union Square Hospitality Group) and his daughter Hallie Meyer (NYC’s...

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09 June 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Claire Babineaux-Fontenot on the Opportunity of COVID-19

Can the current pandemic strengthen our resolve to eradicate hunger? Feeding America CEO Claire Babineaux-Fontenot describes what she is witnessing...

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02 June 2021 | Interview by Billy Shore

Deval Patrick on Pushing for Impact

Who is responsible for solving our major social problems? Former Massachusetts Governor and Bain Capital Senior Advisor Deval Patrick discusses...