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20 May 2019

Remarks for Fairfield University Graduate Schools Commencement

Thank you Provost Christine Siegle,  President Mark Nemec, and all of you for this opportunity. Most important of all, congratulations...

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17 May 2019

Surviving Chefs Cycle – And Still Loving The Ride!

You would have had to see it to believe it. An always strenuous 300 mile Chefs Cycle ride faced with...

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11 May 2019

Final Countdown: 3 days til Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry

As our 300 mile bike ride looms closer,  I keep stopping by the office of Adele Nelson our Chefs Cycle...

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07 May 2019

Curating Our Podcast: Add Passion and Stir 2.0

Add Passion and Stir is now more than two years old.  We’ve learned a lot.  Including how hard it is...

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02 May 2019

Forging Ahead Toward the Finish Line

As Adele Nelson  who leads our Chefs Cycle event will tell you, this time of year I start showing up...

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10 April 2019

Sound Asleep and Still Changing The World – Arianna Huffington and chef Claudia Fleming on our podcast

“Food is politics. There is no greater way to affect change than by bringing people together. There’s nothing more nurturing...

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25 March 2019

Our Nation’s First Summit on Rural Childhood Hunger

The Share Our Strength team outdid themselves last week in convening the first national summit on rural childhood hunger.  Led...

Add passion and stir podcast
07 March 2019
Add Passion and Stir

“Love Always Wins”

I’d known and worked with Robert Lewis Jr (City Year, The Boston Foundation) for more than 30 years but this...

disaster relief to feed the hungry
04 March 2019
Disaster Relief

An Update on Hurricane Florence Relief

When Hurricane Florence hit the Southeast U.S. in September 2018, it caused an estimated $17 billion in damage in North...