26 July 2018
Add Passion and Stir

Moral Imagination in Troubling Times – on our podcast Add Passion and Stir

“If you speak the truth even writing that doesn’t seem political is political if you are saying what you believe...

international grants shareourstrength.org
09 July 2018

Share Our Strength and International Grants

Imagine if Share Our Strength could make the same difference for hungry kids around the rest of the world tha...

23 April 2018

SNAP Debate As A Harbinger of Whether Our Nation Can Come Back Together

With Food Stamp Bill the GOP Once Again Promotes Work Requirements That Don’t Work. “Just as good health is a...

10 April 2018
Chefs Cycle

Only You Can Get Me Up Those Hills

You can’t ride Chefs Cycle’s 300 miles and 15,000 feet of hills without training, and you can’t train only o...

03 April 2018
In the News

An Overlooked Law of Politics: Some Things are Just Not Possible, Until They Are

Count the Omnibus budget and spending bill Congress passed at the end of March  among the many surprises to come...

30 March 2018
Add Passion and Stir

Leadership Lessons on Add Passion and Stir

“We live in a noble profession in the restaurant and food business. Our job is to take care of other...

25 March 2018
Chefs Cycle

The Riddle of Chefs Cycle’s Remarkable Growth

Why Are There More Rather than Fewer Chefs Cycle Riders This Year? Given the physical and mental challenges, training, expense...

20 March 2018
In the News

My Rules of the Road on When To Speak Out Politically

Recently a good friend who is a successful business leader had an uncharacteristic tweet, denouncing the treatment of fired FBI...

teacher with students shareourstrength.org
16 March 2018

Celebrating a Milestone In the Fight To End Childhood Hunger

We’re celebrating a milestone: a historic number of kids in our country are starting the day with a healthy breakfas...