20 September 2017
Add Passion and Stir

A Passion for Creating Community

I especially like the podcast we are releasing today because it conveys the pure passion that two experts have for...

30 August 2017
In the News

Aligning Strategy to Values – from Houston to Syria

Dear Share Our Strength and Community Wealth Partners colleagues: I want to piggyback this brief note onto Chuck’s email yesterday...

13 August 2017
In the News

A letter to my colleagues about Charlottesville

Dear Share Our Strength and Community Wealth Partners colleagues: When I went to Charlottesville for Share Our Strength at the...

19 July 2017

When All Else Fails, Give Bipartisanship A Try

The collapse of the Republican effort to repeal and replace Obama care has led to speculation in many quarters tha...

12 July 2017
Chefs Cycle

“The promise of more sacrifice instead of more security” – remembering a more inspiring politics

This Saturday, July 15, is the 57th anniversary of John Kennedy’s speech at the convention in Los Angeles accepting the...

23 June 2017

When Both Parties Put Party Loyalty Ahead of What’s Best For Kids

There are many lens through which to view and judge the health care legislation unveiled in the Senate yesterday and...

15 June 2017
In the News

From a Disturbed and Disturbing Nation’s Capital

Last night I spent a rare evening in our DC apartment, since Roe and Nate are arriving from Boston this...

22 May 2017
Chefs Cycle

The Ride of a Lifetime: Chefs Cycle 2017

  Chefs Cycle 2017 was bigger in every way than before: more riders (230), more money (close to $2 million)...

kids with snack shareourstrength.org
08 May 2017

Why The American Health Care Act Would Be Devastating for Children

The American Health Care Act passed by the House last week would be devastating for children in this nation. A...