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04 May 2013

Remarks To National Head Start Association Announcing Partnership to Reach 10,000 Head Start Parents with Cooking Matters At The Store

            Yesterday I spoke at the closing session of the 40thannual conference of the National Head Start Association, following inspiring...

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23 April 2013


Today Community Wealth Ventures changes its name to Community Wealth Partners, which reflects just one of many ways in which...

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21 April 2013

Upon Returning to Boylston Street After Boston’s Worst Week

Saturday, April 20, 2013  Fate had our family far from Boston this past week. It was Nate’s spring break and...

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08 April 2013

Targeting early investments in children for greater return

Last week Share Our Strength board member Scott Schoen arranged for me to have lunch with Massachusetts’ former Superintendent of...

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06 April 2013

School breakfast as a “force multiplier” for educational achievement

The growing movement to boost educational achievement via breakfast for school children is an example of how bipartisan pragmatism ca...

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17 March 2013

Letter from 52nd Street Elementary School in South L.A.

Just back from three days in California. The highlight was an early morning visit to the 52nd Street Elementary School...

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15 December 2012

letter to my colleagues the morning after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School

Dear Share Our Strength and Community Wealth Ventures colleagues:             There is almost no way to make sense of i...

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03 December 2012

“Cured of leukemia. Killed by hopelessness”

            During President Obama’s first term Don Berwick was the Acting Administrator of The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. I...

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01 December 2012

A Well Deserved Tribute to the Civic Leadership of Danny Meyer

This week I had the honor of being on hand in New York when restaurateur and Share Our Strength board...