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04 June 2012

Supposed to inspire them, but they inspired me instead

My morning at Bronx Community College as commencement speaker last Friday was filled with surprises. (speech @ ) Beginning with...

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30 May 2012

Memorial Day Weekend at Goose Rocks Beach

This weekend we returned to Goose Rocks Beach in Maine for our tenth summer and as always, almost nothing had...

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21 May 2012

“So Rich, So Poor” Important New Book on Poverty in America

May 29 is the official publication date for an important new book called So Rich, So Poor: Why It’s So...

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03 April 2012

Sounds of Silence: Are Nonprofits Too Passive About Public Policy?

Last week the House of Representatives passed the budget proposed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan on a party...

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23 March 2012

No Kid Hungry and the human capital needed for national security

One of the strongest arguments for Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign is coming from one of the most surprising...

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03 March 2012

Mario Morino on the fiscal crisis facing nonprofits and the need to rethink and reinvent

 More than 15 years ago Mario Morino was the first investor in Community Wealth Ventures and has long been a kee...

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03 March 2012

“Act well your part, there all the honour lies.” Harry McPherson’s Memorial Service

On Friday morning, my colleague Chuck Scofield and I walked over to Saint John’s Church across from the White House for...

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01 March 2012

A glimmer of unity rather than division: political lessons from No Kid Hungry

Today’s headlines report the retirement of Maine’s Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, widely seen as one of the last of the...

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18 February 2012

Remembering Harry McPherson

I always felt that having lunch with Harry McPherson was like having the History Channel to myself for two hours...