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18 September 2011

Four questions nonprofits must ask in light of dramatic rise in poverty

Last week the Census Bureau released a new survey showing a record 46 million Americans living in poverty below the...

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16 September 2011

Increase in Poverty Not Surprising, But Lack of Bold Response Is

The government’s newly released statistics showing a record 46 million Americans living in poverty were shocking but not surprising. The...

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12 September 2011

bearing witness to famine in Horn of Africa

Yesterday’s New York Times published a rare first person account of what it feels like to be hungry in the...

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10 September 2011

Another chapter in The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men

I get the question all of the time. “How does the story end?” After reading through 300 pages of my...

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06 September 2011

Two Books Give Voice to the Voiceless Suffering from Malaria

Is the global campaign against malaria reinventing international aid? That’s the thesis of an important new book, Lifeblood, by Time’s...

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05 September 2011

Labor Day comments on link between jobs and hunger

On Wednesday of this week the USDA releases its latest food insecurity numbers, and on Thursday, President Obama addresses a...

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30 August 2011

Top 6 Reasons Why No Kid Hungry Campaign is Needed and Destined to Succeed

I’ve been struck by the importance of relentlessly reinforcing the key messages of No Kid Hungry and what makes i...

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29 August 2011

The Unique Role of Public Affairs in Giving Voice to the Voiceless

This weekend I read a brand new book called Lifeblood: How to Change the World One Dead Mosquito at a...

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28 August 2011

Sara Brenner’s 8 common elements of successful social transformation initiatives

My colleague Sara Brenner, who is one of the leaders of Community Wealth Ventures, recently gacve a keynote speech a...