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31 August 2010

A Time of Growth for Community Wealth Ventures

 Community Wealth Ventures, a subsidiary of Share Our Strength, devoted to helping nonprofits and businesses create community wealth, is poised...

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30 August 2010

Bearing witness to children living with an unemployed parent

The National Center for Children in Poverty is a think tank at the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia...

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28 August 2010

Chef Mario Batali’s recipe for good management

We’re more accustomed to seeing chef Mario Batali interviewed in the pages of food magazines than in Harvard Business Review...

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24 August 2010

Gary Hart and the power of ideas

I wanted to share the piece published yesterday by Jim Fallows, who for 25 years has been a national corresponde...

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03 August 2010

Would It Spoil Some Vast Eternal Plan?

Here’s an excerpt from the piece I wtote today for Huffington Post about rising above politics to end childhood hunger...

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27 July 2010

Jim and Karen Ansara: Not giving up on Haiti

We had dinner over the weekend with Jim and Karen Ansara, and the talk turned to Haiti, to which he...

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20 July 2010

Behind Share Our Strength’s growth: talent, imagination, stubbornness

Thanks to Paul Shoemaker, the visionary founder and leader of Social Venture Partners whom I greatly admire, for an e-mail...

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19 July 2010

“Battles big enough to matter, small enough to win” – hunger and malaria in Maryland and Moheli

Moheli is a small east African island thousands of miles from Maryland and as different as can be politically, economically...

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16 July 2010

Another Major Milestone Toward Ending Childhood Hunger

Yesterday the House Education and Labor Committee approved the Child Nutrition Reauthorization and sent it to the full House where...