About This Episode

Why should Americans care about hunger around the world? World Food Program USA President and CEO Barron Segar and food and lifestyle personality Sandra Lee join Debbie and Billy Shore to talk about the importance of combatting hunger around the world. “Food is a basic vaccination against chaos. When you don’t have food, you have increased unrest and conflict. Maybe we don’t have a vaccination against COVID, but we certainly have a vaccination against starvation,” observes Lee. Segar agrees, based on his work in Ethiopia on the South Sudanese border. “I saw so many kids and moms and grandmothers that were fleeing violence to stay alive. I saw how they walked for days and weeks… I saw how food literally brought a child and a mom back to life,” he says. “I will never forget these kids and moms looking me in the eye and just so appreciative of what [we] were doing to keep them alive.” “I was raised on welfare and food stamps. It’s important to remember where you come from, and when you come from a place like that, I think you need to give back,” says Lee about her long-time focus on fighting hunger. “Everybody listening to this show has a voice, but not everybody in the world has a voice. So be the voice for those that are not being heard,” urges Segar. Join us for this enlightening conversation about the worsening hunger crisis around the world and how we can solve it.

Resources and Mentions:

Sandra Lee

Sandra Lee


Sandra Lee is one of the world’s most popular Home Life personalities with 27 bestselling books and more than a dozen highly rated programs broadcast on ABC, NBC, FOX, HBO and Discovery’s Network of Channels, with airings in 63 countries worldwide. For her impact in the home economic and culinary arts field, Lee’s portrait hangs in the Julia Child exhibition at the Smithsonian. Lee is a longtime humanitarian, hunger and health activist, philanthropist, an internationally acclaimed Home Life Expert, and serves on World Food Program USA’s distinguished Board of Directors.

Barron Segar

Barron Segar

President and CEO

Barron Segar is the President and CEO of WFP USA. Segar has over 20 years of experience in growing philanthropic and cause marketing platforms. Prior to WFP USA, he served as the Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer at UNICEF USA where his responsibilities included serving as an Executive Management Team member with organization-wide responsibility and decision-making authority for strategy, budget, critical operational priorities, and leading the Development Division teams’ strategic direction for $500 million in annual revenue. Prior to UNICEF USA, Segar served as the Director of Development for Georgia Public Broadcasting, where he and his team were nationally recognized for record breaking fundraising performance. He is a founding and current Board Member at the Elton John AIDS Foundation.

World Food Program USA logo

World Food Program USA (WFP USA)


World Food Program USA (WFP USA) is a U.S.-based non-profit organization dedicated to building support within the U.S. for the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP). WFP USA is the recognized leader in America’s pursuit to end global hunger, inspiring individuals, businesses and policymakers to do everything in their power to create a zero hunger world. Consistent with the mission of the U.N. World Food Programme, World Food Program USA works with U.S. policymakers, corporations, foundations and individuals to help provide financial and in-kind resources and develop policies needed to alleviate global hunger.