24 min
A Historic Decline in Child Poverty and the Work Ahead
Since 1993, child poverty has fallen 60% – according to a landmark 2022 report from Child Trends. And while the...
About This Episode
Since 1993, child poverty has fallen 60% – according to a landmark 2022 report from Child Trends. And while the magnitude of this decline in child poverty is unequaled in the history of poverty measurement in the U.S., as Jason DeParle who covers poverty for the New York Times reminds us, “even if child poverty falls almost 60% as we found that it did, there's still 8 million poor children in the country.” Billy Shore sits down with the Times Jason DeParle and Child Trends Renee Ryberg who co-lead the study to explore it findings, what is shows about the impact of critical social safety nets like the Earned Income Credit and the school lunch program, and the work ahead to address racial disparities that persist in child poverty.Resources and Mentions:

Jason DeParle
Senior Writer
Jason DeParle covers poverty for The New York Times. He is the author of books on welfare (American Dream: Three Women, Ten Kids, and a Nation's Drive to End Welfare) and immigration (A Good Provider Is One Who Leaves: One Family and Migration in the 21st Century). He is a winner of the George Polk Award and a two-time finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

Dr. Renee Ryberg
Research Scientist
Dr. Renee Ryberg is a research scientist in the education research area at Child Trends. Trained as a sociologist and demographer, Dr. Ryberg’s work aims to create equitable environments to help children and youth thrive throughout their education and into adulthood.
Child Trends
Lesson from an Historic Decline in Child Poverty was published by Child Trends, the nation’s leading research organization focused exclusively on improving the lives of children and youth, especially those who are most vulnerable.