About This Episode

Dan Pallotta talks with us about the conversation he ignited with his 2013 TED Talk about the way nonprofit organizations are funded. “We want the nonprofit sector to solve huge problems. We want the nonprofit sector to be able to dream gigantic dreams,” he says. However, there are still many problems with how nonprofits are evaluated and how people and other entities choose to fund them. “I would say that that conversation is where gay marriage was in… about 1945. We have a long way to go.” Pallotta’s new feature-length documentary UnCharitable, featuring stories from figures like Edward Norton and Darren Walker, exposes the dark side of philanthropy with a call to action for a radical new way of giving.    

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Dan Pallotta

Dan Pallotta is best known for creating the multi-day charitable event industry, and a new generation of philanthropists with the AIDS Rides and Breast Cancer 3-Day events, which raised $582 million in nine years. He is president of Advertising for Humanity, which helps foundations and philanthropists transform the growth potential of their favorite grantees. He is also the founder and President of the Charity Defense Council.