About This Episode

In this special episode, Share Our Strength co-founder Billy Shore speaks with the organization’s brand-new CEO, Anne Filipic. She explains how her career led her to this position and the depth of her passion about solving childhood hunger. “What does it mean to end childhood hunger today, tomorrow, and forever? … Getting meals to kids who are hungry now, … supporting families to make sure that they have the resources they need for the meals tomorrow, and ultimately, how do we get to the root causes of hunger?” She also shares her vision for broadening the movement. “When we think about these big, thorny issues of our time, what does it look like for people to feel like, ‘I'm on this team. I'm part of solving this issue.’” Get a glimpse into the future of Share Our Strength and the No Kid Hungry Campaign.

Resources and Mentions:

Anne Filipic shareourstrength.org

Anne Filipic


Over the past twenty years, Anne Filipic has led consequential civic, philanthropic, and political efforts that have helped transform the nation. Most recently, she served as Assistant to the President and Director of the White House Office of Management and Administration and the Office of Administration. In this role, Anne was responsible for building and maintaining the most diverse staff in White House history. Prior to joining the White House, Anne was the Chief Program Officer at the Obama Foundation, where she developed global programs focused on civic engagement and leadership development. She also oversaw the integration of two major initiatives, My Brother’s Keeper and The Girls Opportunity Alliance, into the Obama Foundation. Previously, Anne led Enroll America, a national healthcare coalition designed to support Americans in enrolling in and retaining healthcare coverage made available through the Affordable Care Act. Enroll America’s work supported a net increase of over 20 million Americans gaining healthcare coverage in under four years. In recognition of Enroll America’s impact, Anne was named one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare” by Modern Healthcare magazine. Anne has also served as Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement and Deputy Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She started her career in electoral campaigns and advocacy, including holding leadership roles on President Obama’s 2008 campaign and serving as Field Director for the Obama Iowa caucus campaign. Originally from Ohio, Anne is a graduate of Washington University in St. Louis. She lives in Washington, DC with her husband, Carlos, and their three young children.