About This Episode

India’s children are hungry. Gauri Devidayal, Co-Founder and Director of The Food Matters Group, and Pankaj Jethwani, physician and Executive VP at W Health Ventures, are working to solve that problem. Devidayal is using her platform to draw attention and funding to the cause while Jethwani is helps run holistic nutrition programs. “I think India's one of the greatest nations when it comes to hospitality. It's just something that comes innately to people,” says Devidayal. “That's ridiculous, as a child, to go through eight hours in the morning before a first meal and still expect to learn, still expect to thrive,” Jethwani believes. “We've served 400,000 children. It's a drop in the ocean. It's not even a drop in the ocean - it's a micro-drop in the ocean.”    

Resources and Mentions:

Gauri Devidayal

Gauri Devidayal


Gauri Devidayal  is a restaurateur, podcaster, and co-founder of the Food Matters Group, a hospitality group in Mumbai, India.

Dr. Pankaj Jethwani

Pankaj Jethwani

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Pankaj Jethwani, MD, is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at 2070 Health and Executive Vice President at W Health Ventures, where he leads investments in disruptive technology-enabled healthcare services companies in the US and India.

W Health Ventures

W Health Ventures invests in and grows tech-enabled early-stage healthcare companies that are disrupting care delivery in the US and India.

Gauri Devidayal

Food Matters Group

Food Matters Group Hospitality group founded by Gauri Devidayal and Jay Yousuf that has been instrumental in establishing leading hospitality brands across Mumbai, including: The Table, Mag St., Mag St. Bread Co, Magazine St. Kitchen, Iktara and The Table Farm.