Stacy Dean and Zee Zaidoff on Fighting Summer Hunger
Well before the school year ends for American children , advocates like USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and...
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Well before the school year ends for American children , advocates like USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services Stacy Dean and Hawaii-based consumer advocate and substance abuse counselor Zahava “Zee” Zaidoff are planning how to feed kids over the summer. “The experience of hunger, in and of itself, is a terrible thing. But hunger amongst children is so much more devastating... They don't need food just to maintain, but also to grow and thrive,” says Dean. Many layers of government, organizations, and individuals are ensuring that kids get access to meals during the summer months. “This is not just about the kids that we're trying to feed. This is about - fortunately and unfortunately - systemic change that has to happen around the entire system,” Zaidoff emphasizes.Resources and Mentions:

Stacy Dean
Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
Stacy Dean has served as Undersecretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services at USDA since 2021. Prior to her tenure at USDA, Dean served as vice president for food assistance policy at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and budget analyst in the Office of Management and Budget.
USDA Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services
The mission of the USDA Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services is to increase food security and reduce hunger in partnership with cooperating organizations by providing children and low-income people access to food, a healthy diet and nutrition education in a manner that supports American agriculture and inspires public confidence