About This Episode

In this very special episode of Add Passion and Stir, we are going to talk about challenges and solutions in the fight for equity in America. We found three incredibly compelling stories that address the solvable problem of inequity in all its forms in the United States. We will hear from Bonton Farms CEO Daron Babcock, Investigative Journalist Aldore Collier, and Dr. Michael McAfee, President and CEO of Policy Link; three visionaries who saw past obstacles that others found too daunting and are now sharing their strength to create z more equitable America for all of its citizens      

Resources and Mentions:

Michael McAfee

Michael McAfee

President and CEO

Dr. Michael McAfee became President and CEO of PolicyLink in 2018. Prior to becoming CEO, Michael played a leadership role in securing PolicyLink’s Promise Neighborhoods as a permanent federal program, led efforts to improve outcomes for more than 300,000 children, and facilitated the investment of billions of dollars in neighborhoods of concentrated poverty. He is the catalyst for a new,  growing body of work — corporate racial equity — which includes the first comprehensive tool to guide private-sector companies in assessing and actively promoting equity in every aspect of their company’s value chain. Michael carries forward the legacy to realize the promise of equity — just and fair inclusion into a society in which all can participate, prosper, and reach their full potential. Before joining PolicyLink, Michael served as senior community planning and development representative in the Chicago Regional Office of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) managing  a $450 million housing, community, and economic development portfolio. Michael’s commitment to the needs of people of color and those living in poverty extends to his work on the boards of Bridge Housing, Independent Sector, North Lawndale Employment Network, and Sweet Beginnings, LLC, each of which is committed to creating opportunity for those among the 100 million economically insecure people in America.

Aldore Collier share our strength

Aldore Collier

President & CEO

Aldore Collier is the former West Coast Editor for both Ebony and Jet magazines. His public relations/marketing firm, CollComm, works with large and small companies like SCAN (Senior Care Action Network), Global Probe Engineering, Old Spice, and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center of New Mexico. 

Daron Babcock

Daron Babcock


Daron Babcock is a social entrepreneur who started multiple successful social ventures including Bonton Farms. Bonton Farms is one of the largest urban farms in the United States nestled in a once-forgotten neighborhood in South Dallas.


Founded by Angela Grover Blackwell, PolicyLink is a national research and action institute advancing racial and economic equity by Lifting Up What Works®.