About This Episode

Is there a way to unite people with different values and ensure everyone works to be at their absolute best? On this episode of Add Passion and Stir, three innovative leaders and a visionary young artist discuss possible solutions to our most pressing social problems. David Simpson (Executive Director of All Our Kids), Ashley Koff (nutrition expert) and Tahrook (23 year-old painter) join Share Our Strength founder and CEO Billy Shore for a conversation about how we need to bring out each individual’s potential in order to succeed as a country. “Kids deserve to feel loved and valued,” says Simpson. “If we can help them become successful happy adults – why would we not?” He describes how nonprofit All Our Kids is encouraging young people in the DC area that they deserve to dream, and often that encouragement occurs over a community meal. Koff agrees. “We need a country of individuals who are all better at what they choose to do,” she says, and access to healthy food is critical. “If we continue to make access to better health and better nutrition a political issue, we will fail as a country.” She shares how she enables people to make better health decisions despite mixed messages in the American media. Billy Shore underscores the ability of anyone to make a difference. “In the social change space, getting close, bearing witness, going into the community, working with people directly is often the precursor to really powerful, transformational change,” he says. “Don’t just post, don’t just preach, get your hands dirty and get involved.” Listen to this inspirational conversation about social justice and tell us how you make a difference in your community!  

Resources and Mentions:

ashley koff shareourstrength.org

Ashley Koff

Nutrition Expert

Ashley Koff RD is your better health enabler. For decades, Koff has helped thousands get and keep better health by learning to make their better not perfect nutrition choices more often. A go-to nutrition expert for the country’s leading doctors, media, companies and non-profit organizations, Koff regularly shares her Better Nutrition message with millions. Today, in addition to a private practice, Koff makes her better tools and real support available to anyone, anywhere with her online Better Nutrition membership. Koff is the author of two books and a workbook “Road Trip To Better Health”, has an award-winning social media, and co-hosts the podcast “Take Out with Ashley and Robyn”.

david simpson

David Simpson

Executive Director

tahrook shareourstrength.org


Tahrook is a 23-year-old artist in Washington, DC.

No Kid Hungry logo

No Kid Hungry


Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign is ending child hunger in America by ensuring all children get the healthy food they need, every day.

All Our Kids


All Our Kids (AOK) builds community to unleash the potential of young people. We recognize the incredible value of our young people and provide the resources they need to succeed. We make sure they have what they need to negotiate every-day life; when they pursue an educational path, we provide everything they need to focus on learning and succeed, including filling tuition gaps; we help our young people develop healthy financial habits in order to establish financial independence; we take them on vacation and make sure they are celebrated on birthdays and holidays. In other words, we do for our young people whatever we’d do for our own kids. And it is working. The AOK approach results in confident young people moving with intention toward self-defined goals; adults who grow from participating in diverse communities; and strong partnerships with community and faith organizations and the business community committed to supporting our kids.