About This Episode

How can a focus on hospitality create the relationships that build and transform communities? In this episode of Add Passion and Stir, host Billy Shore explores the concept of hospitality with Chef-owner Will Gilson (Puritan & Company in Cambridge, MA) and Sarah Rosenkrantz and Sam Greenberg, social entrepreneurs and co-directors of Y2Y Harvard Square (a youth homeless shelter in Cambridge, MA). Although from different professional backgrounds, the guests share how they are building community by focusing on relationships. “Volunteers and guests work together to prepare meals. Bonding that occurs in the kitchen spills out into the dining area. Meal preparation and sharing meals is creating communities and bridging communities,” says Rosencrantz. Gilson wants his restaurant guests to feel like they’re in someone’s home. “Are we creating relationships or is it just a transaction?,” he asks regarding every aspect of his business. Y2Y Harvard Square has more than doubled the number of easily accessible beds for young adults ages 18-24 in the Greater Boston area. It serves as an entry point to critical resources for young adults by providing referrals to partner service providers. Student volunteers advised by faculty and professionals offer programming in legal aid, career readiness, and creative expression. “We fundamentally believe as students that our peers should be housed and have the chance to succeed,” says Greenberg. Gilson feels that his employees should also have the chance to succeed. Any business venture that he considers must first pass the test of whether his employees can afford to live in the communities where they work. “When we turn down a project, it may not be that we don’t have the ability to raise the funds to open it up, we might not have the person capital to do it. We might not be able to find staffing because there’s nowhere for them to live affordably,” he says. Be inspired by how these entrepreneurs are changing the world for our next generation.

Resources and Mentions:

No Kid Hungry logo

No Kid Hungry


Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign is ending child hunger in America by ensuring all children get the healthy food they need, every day.

Root Cause Coalition


The Root Cause Coalition is a national, member-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the root causes of health disparities by focusing on hunger and other social determinants leading to nationwide epidemic of preventable chronic health conditions.

Y2Y Harvard Square


A student-run overnight shelter, employs a youth-to-youth model to provide a safe and affirming environment for young adults experiencing homelessness. Y2Y guests have opportunities to collaborate with service providers, other youth experiencing homelessness, and student volunteers to create sustainable pathways out of homelessness and develop skills for long-term success. Y2Y provides opportunities for both guests and volunteers to become the next generation’s leading advocates for youth-driven solutions to homelessness.

Puritan & Company


Puritan & Company serves modern American cuisine, with particular emphasis on traditional New England fare, and not without occasional excursions into other ethnic ingredients and styles. Always with a sense of fun. Ingredients are sourced from local farms that have long-standing relationships with the restaurant. Puritan & Company is also committed to ensuring its employees receive a living wage