Who Sits At Your Table? One of our most personal and provocative episodes of Add Passion and Stir
“What do we see and what do we feel with our hearts? The facts never change us – what we see and what touches our heart is what changes us.”
- Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourner
I’ve long wanted to meet Jim Wallis who has been such a powerful and spiritual leader in the battle against racial injustice. He is the author most recently of America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege and The Bridge to a New America. This week’s podcast was with Jim and Michael Schlow, a phenomenally successful chef who depended on food assistance for part of his childhood. The conversation was so riveting that we let it run long and broke it into two episodes, the first of which we just released and can be found at http://addpassionandstir.com/racial-injustice-the-soul-of-america-is-at-stake-part-1/ or on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/add-passion-and-stir/id1164624510?mt=2 I hope you’ll share with others you think might be interested.