Tuesday will be a wonderful opportunity to meet global health entrepreneur Steve Hoffman, who developed the malaria vaccine on which Bill Gates bet more than $30 million. Steve will be joining me for a book party for The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men that is being generously hosted by the law firm Reed Smith, at 1301 K Street, Suite 1100 – East Tower, Washington DC, at 5:00 p.m.
In the short time since the book was finished, Steve has traveled widely, secured additional funding, and entered into new partnerships to advance his vaccine candidate. But even after following Steve for more than five years, it is the nature of scientific discovery, and the imperatives of clinical trials, that the end of this story, upon which the lives of almost a million children a year depends, cannot be known or written yet.
Even so, Steve’s work illustrates many of the necessary entreprenuerial strategies required for solving the toughest problems of all – those that affect people so vulnerable and voiceless that there are no markets for solving them. Come join us as we celebrate and discuss his powerful ideas. You can RSVP to Alice Pennington at apennington@strength.org