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24 April 2017
Chefs Cycle

What’s Different About This Picture?

If a picture is worth a thousand words this one is yet another example of how Share Our Strength has...

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17 April 2017
Chefs Cycle

Back In The Saddle Again

I’m training for my third annual 300 mile Chefs Cycle bike ride of the last three years – joined by...

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13 March 2017
Add Passion and Stir

From Fighting Against Hunger to Fighting For Social Justice

The injustice of inequality has found its way into the culinary community. It’s probably been obvious to you for a...

08 March 2017
Add Passion and Stir

“Food Is The Glue Of The Society In Which We Live”

We’ve just released the latest episode of Add Passion and Stir with Dr. Debbie Frank and chef Ming Tsai.  It’s...

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06 March 2017
In the News

Resisting Our Own Complacency and Complicity

With a new Executive Order forthcoming on immigration, I’m grateful to the American Academy of Pediatrics for speaking out o...

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04 March 2017
In the News

Inexcusable Cruelty

The two stories below speak of inexcusable cruelty in the way our nation’s immigration and deportation policies are now being...

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21 February 2017
Add Passion and Stir

Young and younger, special needs and our special focus

Last Friday Rosemary, Debbie and I visited the Y2Y Shelter at Harvard Square – the only student run shelter i...

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15 February 2017

433,000 More Kids Getting Off to a Better Start Each Day

“More low-income children than ever started their school day with a healthy breakfast in the 2015-16 school year” With this...

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13 February 2017

The Challenge of Prioritizing The Most Vulnerable Children of All

Every year the National Center for Children in Poverty at Columbia University publishes basic facts about low income children i...