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14 September 2015

New public suppport for not only feeding kids, but preventing hunger

  I wish I had a dollar for every time a well-meaning friend or supporter has said “No one could...

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24 August 2015

Public-Private Partnerships at the Heart of Our Success with No Kid Hungry Campaign

     This weekend the Richmond-Times Dispatch reported on how a small grant from Share Our Strength will have a big...

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20 August 2015

Bearing witness in Appalachia to mothers and babies

In response to my post below about poverty and brain development, my colleague Jen Keleba wrote the following which I found much more...

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19 August 2015

letter from the hippocampus

            Like a SWAT team tracking escaped convicts, scientists investigating the damage that poverty inflicts on children are utilizing forensics...

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06 July 2015

lessons from our border for The National Commission on Hunger

A national commission’s report to Congress can seem like an academic exercise at times, but there was nothing academic abou...

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26 June 2015

A “school breakfast dividend” that increases instructional time and boosts achievement

            When New York put $17.9 million in the budget this week to enable 500 elementary schools to switch to...

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22 June 2015

From The Chefs Cycle Finish LIne

            I’m happy to report I finished the 300 mile Chefs Cycle ride from Santa Barbara to San Diego and...

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25 May 2015

The long and winding road of Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry

          Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry is on the verge of an achievement that many would not have though...

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21 May 2015

Bearing Witness to Deep Poverty and Inspirational Leaders in Arkansas

Some things are worth waiting for. Like the two days this week we spent in Arkansas.  It has been a...