Newsroom and Stories
Knees the combined age of 120 and other things I worry about while training for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
Picasso said “Without great solitude, no serious work is possible.” I’ve got the solitude part nailed. Many Chefs Cycle...
Excerpt from my ride journal, #2 (for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry)
Since I know little about cycling and even less about training, I take as gospel every word that comes ou...
letter from my ride journal for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry, training day #1
Ok, this is going to be harder than I thought. Last week I began to train for the upcoming...
Tom Vilsack and Cesar Chavez, bearing witness across half a century
Last week USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack led a ceremony to name a courtyard at USDA for Cesar Chavez. Vilsack...
And so it begins: first steps in 2016 presidential campaign
On Tuesday, the New England Council and The New Hampshire Institute of Politics hosted a breakfast for local business leaders...
The moment of truth for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
There comes a moment in the planning of every major quest when the questions shifts from whether it will...
Yet Again, the Power of Bearing Witness
Our colleague Andy McMahon recently found and shared this clip of President Lyndon Johnson 50 years ago this month speaking...
When celebrity, creativity, and collaboration combine to create community wealth
Celebrity and creativity are not the same thing. Sometimes they do not even overlap. Not all celebrities are creative...
A War on Poverty May Require More Political Courage Than War on Terror
Today’s NY Times editorializes that President Obama’s request to Congress for formal authorization to conduct war is “indefensibly late.”...