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06 January 2011

When Non-Profits Are Their Own Worst Enemy

Today’s New York Times has a prominent article in the business section ( featuring nonprofit complaints that the Pepsi Refresh...

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03 January 2011

A New Year Marked by Boldness and Accountability

We spent the last days of 2010 at Goose Rocks Beach in Maine where we aspired to be as lazy...

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28 December 2010

Bonus incentives to states for No Kid Hungry gains?

Yesterday’s NY Times included this story: ( which I think both affirms the strategic wisdom of Share Our Strength’s approach to ending...

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21 December 2010

My list of Top Ten Lessons of 2010

It’s been an amazing year for Share Our Strength, and worth reflecting on any learning’s to be taken from our...

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20 December 2010

The military’s green revolution and the imaginations of unreasonable men

Tom Friedman’s recent column in the NY Times ( about how the U.S. Navy is reducing its dependence on foreig...

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29 November 2010

Strategic Lessons for Nonprofits from Business Innovators and Entrepreneurs

While THE IMAGINATIONS OF UNREASONABLE MEN will, for obvious reasons, be thought of as a book about malaria, it is...

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29 November 2010

The Dog that Didn’t Bark and the Deficit Hawk That Didn’t Swoop

With the newly elected Congress, anti-hunger champions have to take their good news where they can find it, or perhaps...

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22 November 2010

In the presidents cabinet – putting the most vulnerable and voiceless first

Last Thursday we hosted a breakfast at NY’s Regency Hotel in which Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack met with abou...

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20 November 2010

Grateful Response to the Wall Street Journal’s Review of THE IMAGINATIONS OF UNREASONABLE MEN

This weekend the Wall Street Journal devoted an entire page to malaria, the “Scourge of Humankind”, using my new book...