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17 November 2010

With thanks to the Pucker Gallery for my first book party

 What a special treat it was for me to have my first book party for THE IMAGINATIONS OF UNREASONABLE MEN...

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17 November 2010

A gratifying early review for IMAGINATIONS OF UNREASONABLE MEN

Any author braces themself for their book’s pub date by saying reviews don’t matter, but it is actually a huge...

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06 November 2010

Behind the scenes at Larry King Live

Because L.A. traffic is so impossible to judge, everyone arrived early for Larry King Live: me, Jeff Bridges and eve...

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03 November 2010

The morning after – what the election means for our No Kid Hungry Campaign

If ever there were an election that affirmed our critical role in filling the gaps that result from the failure...

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31 October 2010

A Ray of Hope for Kids in Results of Election?

It would impossible to overstate how pre-occupied all of Washington will be with the election results. The House will almos...

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13 October 2010

Creating Community Wealth – The Next Generation

Yesterday I spent an hour via video conference with 25 students from the Honors College at the University of Alabama...

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12 October 2010

The politics of helping hungry kids

You’ve probably noticed that the media these past few days has been reinforcing the conventional wisdom with new polls and...

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24 September 2010

Child Nutrition Reauthorization: The Perfect and the Good

This morning I re-read the last chapter of Jonathan Alter’s book The Promise, about Obama’s first year in office. I...

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21 September 2010

Sounds of Silence Greet Shocking New Poverty Statistics

Here’s a philosophical variation of the “if a tree falls in a forest” question for you: if 44 million Americans...