In the Imaginations of Unreasonable Men, one of the scientists I wrote about was Peter Hotez, dedicating much of his career to developing a vaccine for hookworm, because he was grappling with the issue of how to solve problems that affect people who are so vulnerable and voiceless that there are no markets for solving them. He’s done as much as any human being could possibly do to bring attention to what he calls neglected diseases of poverty. One part of his vision has been to create the first national school for tropical medicine in the U.S. Now that vision is coming to fruition.
As the Houston Chronicle reports, Hotez is relocating to Texas to assume posts at Texas Childrens Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine, and to be dean of the first national school of tropical medicine. See: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/metropolitan/7601893.html
There are too few leaders today – in politics, business, science and many other fields – willing to raise their voice on behalf of those whose voices are not often heard. But Peter Hotez is one such leader and his move to Texas is a testament to what one person, with vision, commitment and authenticity can achieve.