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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Making an Impact: How Chefs and Hospitals Use Food as Medicine.

What is the distinction between helping individuals and helping entire communities? In this episode of Add Passion and Stir, Debbie...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Connecting The Dots: Using Grassroots To Inform Systems Change

To change systems that perpetuate poverty and hunger, where do we start? Erin McAleer, President and CEO of Project Bread...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

You’ve Got to Measure the Hum: Why Kids In Boston Love School Meals

Where does the food come from that we feed our kids in schools? Laura Benavidez, Executive Director of Food and...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Living on $2 a Day: Poverty and Food Equity in America

To start the new year, we are revisiting one our most important episodes of Add Passion and Stir when we...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Form and Function: Creating Buildings That Heal

Architecture and design affect your attitude, your health, and even your life. Architect Michael Murphy, executive director of MASS Desig...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Psychological Change: Bringing Dignity to Poor Communities

How can we move poor communities from hopelessness to hopefulness? In this fascinating episode of Add Passion and Stir, Pierre...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Closing the Empathy Gap

Do you feel more empathy for certain people in need than you do for others? Feeding America CEO Diana Aviv says...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Make It Personal: The Names and Stories Behind the Numbers

Do you think beyond the statistics to the individual lives affected by conflict, poverty, and hunger? In this episode of...

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05 May 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Finding Passion: Make Every Day the Best Day

Have you ever wondered how people who motivate others stay motivated themselves? In this episode of Add Passion and Stir...