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31 October 2016

Finding Hope in a New Generation of Leadership

            I devoted much of last week to spending time with students at four colleges across the country: Trinity (i...

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29 October 2016

Darren Walker on Pepsi Board: Ethical Dilemma or Ethical Opportunity?

With regard to Ford Foundation President Darren Walker joining the board of PepsiCo, the New York Times asks: “An Activis...

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17 October 2016

Announcing Our New Podcast: ADD PASSION AND STIR

I hope you will both enjoy and be inspired by our latest effort to engage the larger audience necessary to...

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16 October 2016

Guest list for Add Passion And Stir, Share Our Strength’s New Podcast

              As of today, these are the sessions of Add Passion and Stir that we’ve recorded, with more to be produced and...

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12 October 2016

Emergency Share Our Strength grant to save lives in Haiti

As the devastating human toll from Hurricane Matthew in Haiti became clear, we reached out over the past few days...

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03 October 2016

“Monday, Monday, So Good To Me. Monday Morning it Was All I Hoped it Would Be” – The Mamas and The Papas

            From northern California to southwest Virginia I’ve been visiting schools during my travels these past few weeks. There is...

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08 September 2016

USDA reports “lowest figures on record for food insecurity among children”

            Important news:  As you may have seen by now, yesterday the USDA’s Economic Research Service reported that hunger among...

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07 September 2016

When the Geese Fly South and the Work Begins Anew

In late August at Goose Rocks Beach in Maine as we were sitting and chatting with friends one afternoon, Rosemary...

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29 August 2016

Bill Gates, poverty, schools, race, and No Kid Hungry

            I thought I’d improve on my blog posts by sharing one from Bill Gates instead.  Last week he wrote...