Newsroom and Stories
At P.S. 20 in NY to Launch Expansion of Summer Meals
Yesterday we joined New York City Schools Chancellor Dennis Walcott at P.S. 20 in Manhattan to launch our comprehensive marketing...
Where Freedom Costs The Most
It’s so quiet and peaceful here that bumper stickers boast of the e-mail address GooseRocksBeach.calm. But that may be more...
Tribute to Triumph of Imagination That Lives on at The Barnes Foundation
Many hoped this day would never come but today the Barnes Foundation in Merion, PA, will permanently close the unique...
“How does the story end?” Only time and “the imaginations of unreasonable men” will tell!
I was riding my bike down Kings Highway at Goose Rocks Beach in Maine when I ran into Mr. Welch...
Latest HuffPosts re Reshaping The Natonal Agenda to Include End to Childhood Hunger
Sharing my two most recent posts on HuffPost about resetting domestic priorities to include an end to childhood hunger: While...
Nonprofits connecting to public policy to reach a broader audience
I’m sharing here a link to a piece published this week on Huffington Post ( that I hope helps more...
A potentially seismic shift in the national political agenda
We may be the verge of a potentially seismic shift in the national political agenda and conversation, best represented by Preside...
Upon accepting the Jefferson Award for public service
For those who asked, here are excerpts from my remarks at the Jefferson Awards last night:Thank you so much. I wa...
What nonprofits can learn about donor development from Apple’s remarkable success at retail
Using J.C. Penney’s hiring of Apple’s top retail exec, Ron Johnson, as a hook, The Wall Street Journal today has...