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15 May 2011

Ingredients of Successful Growth: Learning to Collaborate and Compete

Nonprofits need to be more intentional and purposeful about competing – understanding that to compete at any level you mus...

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15 May 2011

Share Our Strength board supports capacity building

The Share Our Strength board met in NY last week, hosted by Danny Meyer at the offices of the Unio...

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09 May 2011

A Real Dilemma for one sympathetic to The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men

A health official in Nigeria says that more than 300,000 children die from malaria annually, in Nigeria alone, yet some...

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08 May 2011

Serendipity or the power of bearing witness?

On Friday I had the privilege of keynoting the 13th Alexandria Business and Philanthropy Summit It’s a community with impressive...

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04 May 2011

Newly named CBS Evening News Anchor Scott Pelley, Bearing Witness with Share Our Strength

In New York on Monday night at a Share Our Strength dinner at the Four Seasons Restaurant, and on the...

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28 April 2011

Dan Pallotta’s inspiring vision of nonprofits achieving Apollo-like aspirations

At Harvard’s Center for Public Leadership my guest presenter on Wednesday was Dan Pallotta, author of UNCHARITABLE and founder of...

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25 April 2011

On World Malaria Day: A Fatal Case of Political Laryngitis

In the run-up to the fourth annual World Malaria Day there are have been a flurry of new reports documenting...

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22 April 2011

Five pieces worth reading before World Malaria Day on Monday

Top five pieces to read this World Malaria Day Ray Chambers and Dr. Tachi Yamada have an column in the...

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22 April 2011

What Americans may be telling us about our values

In today’s NY Times two journalists implicitly poses a question on the front page and another, on the op-ed page...