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Jack Shonkoff
01 November 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

Jack Shonkoff on Trauma and Child Development

Jack Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University, talks with us about the science around...

Dan Pallota
04 October 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

Dan Pallotta on Dreaming Big Dreams

Dan Pallotta talks with us about the conversation he ignited with his 2013 TED Talk about the way nonprofit organizations...

what we do shareourstrength.org
20 September 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

25 min

Aldore Collier on Racism’s “Invisible Net”

Aldore Collier, former editor at Ebony and Jet magazines, speaks with Billy and Debbie Shore about his recent expose article...

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parent playing with child
06 September 2023 | Interview by Lillian Singh

Daron Babcock on Redesigning Our Future for Social Equity

Daron Babcock, CEO of Bonton Farms located in a low-income neighborhood in South Dallas. Bonton Farms is one of the...

child holding ball in city
14 August 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

From Kitchen to Courtroom Redux: Dealing With Race in America

Children’s advocate and social justice icon Hubie Jones and Sweet Home Café (at the National Museum of African American History...

mother and daughter in city park
14 August 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

Congressman Marc Molinaro on Compassionate Government

Congressman Marc Molinaro (NY-19) describes how he is helping to build an impactful, compassionate government that truly helps people. “There...

helping families shareourstrength.org
14 August 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

Food is a Fundamental Human Right with Rep. Jim McGovern and Rhonda Chafin

As school years end for America’s children, hunger champions like Representative Jim McGovern (D-MA) and food bank executive director Rhonda...

father and daughter eating shareourstrength.org
14 August 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti on Non-partisan Solutions

Scranton Mayor Paige Cognetti talks about local government solutions to problems like hunger and poverty in President Biden’s hometown. “We’re...

dad with newborn shareourstrength.org
14 August 2023 | Interview by Billy Shore

Kathy Edin and Tom McDougall on Extreme Poverty in America

While this conversation first aired in 2018, the issues it explores about food equity and access remain unsolved in America...