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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

The World is Watching: New Ideas in the Fight Against Hunger (Part II)

This week’s episode picks up where last week’s conversation left off. The World Food Programme’s Carmen Burbano, chef Floyd Cardoz...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Living Longer, Living Better and Rediscovering our Humanity

What did we lose when we became a generationally segregated society? Encore.org President and CEO Marc Freedman and celebrated chef...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Happier Cows Make More Milk: The Fight to Save Small Farms

Can technology save small-scale agriculture? Big Burrito Restaurant Group corporate chef Bill Fuller and Rivendale Farms general manager Christine Grady...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Democracy in Peril: Senator Bob Kerrey and chef Tom Colicchio on the Integrity of our Nation

Is our divided political culture energizing or suppressing democracy? Former Nebraska Governor and US Senator Bob Kerrey and renowned chef...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

When Good Is Not Good Enough: Scaling Social Impact

How do you help social entrepreneurs spread their ideas? Bridgespan Group co-founder and managing partner Jeff Bradach and Bambara Kitche...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

What Doesn’t Break You Makes You Stronger

What is the catalyst that makes us want to make a difference? Teach For America DC region Executive Director Adele...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Putting People Over Politics in the Nation’s First Presidential Primary State

How do we help the most vulnerable build on their own strengths? Families in Transition-New Horizons founder and president Mauree...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Arianna Huffington: Sound Asleep and Still Changing The World

Why is sleep the best remedy for just about everything? Billy Shore sits down with Thrive Global Founder and CEO...

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27 April 2020 | Interview by Billy Shore

Senator Jeanne Shaheen on National Leadership and Local Solutions

How can national and local leadership work together on solutions to our country’s biggest problems? Recorded in front of a...