- About Us
- Add Passion and Stir: Nonprofit Podcast on Food Insecurity
- Advocating for Kids and Child Hunger
- Changing the Story
- Contact
- Disaster Relief Support For Communities
- Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) in America
- Family Economic Mobility in the U.S.
- Financials
- Food Justice Movement to End Inequality in America
- Food Skills and Nutrition Education
- Hunger Advocacy For Families and Children
- Hunger Relief Organization For Change
- International Work to End Hunger
- Mayors Alliance to End Childhood Hunger
- Newsroom & Stories
- No Kid Hungry
- Nonprofit Leadership and Board of Directors
- Our Nonprofit Partners
- Overview of Our Work
- Privacy Policy
- Resources
- Sign Up
- Sitemap
- Terms of Use
- Thank You
Add Passion and Stir
- “Food Is The Glue Of The Society In Which We Live”
- “Love Always Wins”
- A Congressman Speaks Out Against Our Government’s Cruelty Toward’s Kids
- A Passion for Creating Community
- A Thanksgiving Thank You for Sharing Your Strength
- At the Intersection of Courage + Passion
- Can the Secret Sauce That Built a $6 Billion Business Save Our Politics?
- From Fighting Against Hunger to Fighting For Social Justice
- Ingredients for Social Change – on Add Passion and Stir
- Leadership Lessons on Add Passion and Stir
- Life Lessons From Add Passion And Stir
- Moral Imagination in Troubling Times – on our podcast Add Passion and Stir
- More Great Episodes of Add Passion and Stir Coming on Line
- Special Podcast Episode with former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and Danny Meyer
- Why Reaching Out to Help Others Gets Personal For Andrew Zimmern and David Beckmann
- Young and younger, special needs and our special focus
- “Love Always Wins”
- A Congressman Speaks Out Against Our Government’s Cruelty Toward’s Kids
- An incredible achievement: historic decrease in childhood hunger
- Black Activists Remember the Radical Origins of the Food Justice Movement
- Can the Secret Sauce That Built a $6 Billion Business Save Our Politics?
- Have You Spoken Truth To Power?
- Hunger as a Racial Justice Issue: Why That Matters and What We Can Do About It
- If You Care About Hungry Kids, Much to Celebrate in Latest Unemployment Report
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- Putting People Ahead of Party
- Racism, Hunger and Health
- SNAP Debate As A Harbinger of Whether Our Nation Can Come Back Together
- Taking Our Elevator Speech One Floor Higher
- What it means to “get more political”?
- When All Else Fails, Give Bipartisanship A Try
- Why Reaching Out to Help Others Gets Personal For Andrew Zimmern and David Beckmann
Chefs Cycle
- “The promise of more sacrifice instead of more security” – remembering a more inspiring politics
- Back In The Saddle Again
- Help Us Keep Riding Until There Is No Kid Hungry
- Only You Can Get Me Up Those Hills
- The Riddle of Chefs Cycle’s Remarkable Growth
- The Ride of a Lifetime: Chefs Cycle 2017
- What’s Different About This Picture?
- “Access to The Miraculous” this Holiday Season
- “Yes, Cooking matters!”
- 433,000 More Kids Getting Off to a Better Start Each Day
- A Congressman Speaks Out Against Our Government’s Cruelty Toward’s Kids
- An incredible achievement: historic decrease in childhood hunger
- At 12 Below Zero, A New Year’s Day Like No Other
- Celebrating a Milestone In the Fight To End Childhood Hunger
- En route to The Border at Harlingen, Texas
- Good News for Kids at Year End
- How Share Our Strength is Helping Kids Impacted by the California Wildfires
- If You Care About Hungry Kids, Much to Celebrate in Latest Unemployment Report
- News To Add Joy To Your Thanksgiving
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- One man may be responsible for the slaughter of innocents. All of us are responsible for stopping it.
- Progress No One Thought Possible Until It Happened
- School Meals As Delicious as Thanksgiving
- Taking Our Elevator Speech One Floor Higher
- The Challenge of Prioritizing The Most Vulnerable Children of All
- The Children’s Health Fund Making America Stronger Child By Child
- Unprecedented Opportunity With Nation’s Governors for No Kid Hungry Campaign
- When Both Parties Put Party Loyalty Ahead of What’s Best For Kids
- Why The American Health Care Act Would Be Devastating for Children
Disaster Relief
In the News
- “The promise of more sacrifice instead of more security” – remembering a more inspiring politics
- “I must remind you that starving a child is violence.” Remembering Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King
- #ThreeThingsWorthMoreThought this week
- A letter to my colleagues about Charlottesville
- Aligning Strategy to Values – from Houston to Syria
- An incredible achievement: historic decrease in childhood hunger
- An Overlooked Law of Politics: Some Things are Just Not Possible, Until They Are
- Child Refugees As Invisible As the Wind
- En route to The Border at Harlingen, Texas
- From a Disturbed and Disturbing Nation’s Capital
- Have You Spoken Truth To Power?
- How Share Our Strength is Helping Kids Impacted by the California Wildfires
- If You Care About Hungry Kids, Much to Celebrate in Latest Unemployment Report
- Inexcusable Cruelty
- Letter from Immigration Court in The Rio Grande Valley
- More Jobs, Less Hunger
- My Rules of the Road on When To Speak Out Politically
- New Report Points American Politics Toward a New and Healing Path
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- One man may be responsible for the slaughter of innocents. All of us are responsible for stopping it.
- Parading Our Values
- Resisting Our Own Complacency and Complicity
- The Cabinet Job Interview We’re Still Waiting To See
- The Moral Imperative of Re-Prioritizing Justice in the Age of Trump
- Unprecedented Opportunity With Nation’s Governors for No Kid Hungry Campaign
- Voting to End Hunger and Strengthen Democracy
- What it means to “get more political”?
- When All Else Fails, Give Bipartisanship A Try
- When Both Parties Put Party Loyalty Ahead of What’s Best For Kids
- When It Can’t Happen Here, But Does – Growing Up Near The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill
- Why The American Health Care Act Would Be Devastating for Children
- With Social Safety Net At Risk, Nonprofits Have an Obligation to Speak Out Loud and Clear
- A Congressman Speaks Out Against Our Government’s Cruelty Toward’s Kids
- A letter to my colleagues about Charlottesville
- An incredible achievement: historic decrease in childhood hunger
- An MLK Day Story About Those Who Serve
- Can the Secret Sauce That Built a $6 Billion Business Save Our Politics?
- Hunger as a Racial Justice Issue: Why That Matters and What We Can Do About It
- Inexcusable Cruelty
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- The Moral Imperative of Re-Prioritizing Justice in the Age of Trump
- Voting to End Hunger and Strengthen Democracy
- With Social Safety Net At Risk, Nonprofits Have an Obligation to Speak Out Loud and Clear
- Words, Deeds, and the “Beloved Community” on MLK Day 2018
- Young and younger, special needs and our special focus
- A Congressman Speaks Out Against Our Government’s Cruelty Toward’s Kids
- At 12 Below Zero, A New Year’s Day Like No Other
- Can the Secret Sauce That Built a $6 Billion Business Save Our Politics?
- Leadership Lessons on Add Passion and Stir
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- Parading Our Values
- Resisting Our Own Complacency and Complicity
- Special Podcast Episode with former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and Danny Meyer
- Taking Our Elevator Speech One Floor Higher
- The “success paradox” and proving improvement is possible
- The Children’s Health Fund Making America Stronger Child By Child
- The Moral Imperative of Re-Prioritizing Justice in the Age of Trump
- Unprecedented Opportunity With Nation’s Governors for No Kid Hungry Campaign
- With Social Safety Net At Risk, Nonprofits Have an Obligation to Speak Out Loud and Clear
- Words, Deeds, and the “Beloved Community” on MLK Day 2018
No Kid Hungry
- #ThreeThingsWorthMoreThought this week
- 433,000 More Kids Getting Off to a Better Start Each Day
- Aligning Strategy to Values – from Houston to Syria
- An incredible achievement: historic decrease in childhood hunger
- Celebrating a Milestone In the Fight To End Childhood Hunger
- Good News for Kids at Year End
- Hunger as a Racial Justice Issue: Why That Matters and What We Can Do About It
- If You Care About Hungry Kids, Much to Celebrate in Latest Unemployment Report
- Ingredients for Social Change – on Add Passion and Stir
- News To Add Joy To Your Thanksgiving
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- Progress No One Thought Possible Until It Happened
- Taking Our Elevator Speech One Floor Higher
- The “success paradox” and proving improvement is possible
- The Poverty and the Promise in Our Rural Communities and Tribal Lands
- Unprecedented Opportunity With Nation’s Governors for No Kid Hungry Campaign
- What’s Different About This Picture?
- “Yes, Cooking matters!”
- A Congressman Speaks Out Against Our Government’s Cruelty Toward’s Kids
- An incredible achievement: historic decrease in childhood hunger
- Can the Secret Sauce That Built a $6 Billion Business Save Our Politics?
- Food Insecurity and Mental Health: The Silent and Devastating Impacts
- Hunger as a Racial Justice Issue: Why That Matters and What We Can Do About It
- If You Care About Hungry Kids, Much to Celebrate in Latest Unemployment Report
- More Jobs, Less Hunger
- New Report Points American Politics Toward a New and Healing Path
- On the Border: Each action no matter how small is larger than the small thinking that divides us.
- Racism, Hunger and Health
- Taking Our Elevator Speech One Floor Higher
- The Poverty and the Promise in Our Rural Communities and Tribal Lands
- Voting to End Hunger and Strengthen Democracy
- With Social Safety Net At Risk, Nonprofits Have an Obligation to Speak Out Loud and Clear
- Words, Deeds, and the “Beloved Community” on MLK Day 2018
- Young and younger, special needs and our special focus
- “Love Always Wins”
- “I must remind you that starving a child is violence.” Remembering Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King
- Black Activists Remember the Radical Origins of the Food Justice Movement
- Hunger as a Racial Justice Issue: Why That Matters and What We Can Do About It
- Racism, Hunger and Health
- RELEASE: Mayors Alliance to End Childhood Hunger Convenes to Announce New Leadership, Discuss Policies with Members of Congress
- RELEASE: Nefertiri Sickout Joins Share Our Strength as New Senior Vice President of EDI
- RELEASE: New National Poll: Parents Surveyed with Middle Incomes Among Those Struggling to Feed Families
- RELEASE: No Kid Hungry Invests $3 Million in Innovative SNAP Efforts in Four States
- RELEASE: Share Our Strength Appoints New Members to its Board of Directors and Leadership Council
- RELEASE: Share Our Strength Honors Black Leaders on the Frontlines of Fighting Poverty
- RELEASE: Share Our Strength Provides Key Funding to State-Based Advocates to Support Food Security Policy Initiatives for Children and Families
- RELEASE: Share Our Strength Unveils Groundbreaking Investment of $6.7 Million to Advance Economic Mobility for Single Mothers and Their Children
- RELEASE: Share Our Strength Welcomes New Chief Revenue Officer and Senior Vice President of Program Partnerships, Campaigns and Advocacy
- RELEASE: Steven McCullough Joins Share Our Strength as COO
- RELEASE: The Food Trust Acquires Nationally Renowned Nutrition Education Program
- Statement on Response to Hurricane Dorian
- Statement on Response to U.S. Wildfires
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis on the President’s FY24 Budget Proposal
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis Reacts to House FY24 Agriculture Appropriation Bill’s Cuts to WIC
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis Responds to Debt Limit Deal and its Impact on SNAP
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis Responds to House Proposal Restricting SNAP Benefits for “Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents”
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis Responds to Spike in Poverty According to New Census Data
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis on Funding of No-Cost School Meals for All Students in New Mexico
- “A Child Who Is Hungry Cannot Be Hungry For Knowledge”
- “A powerful imagination generates the event”
- “Battles big enough to matter, small enough to win” – hunger and malaria in Maryland and Moheli
- “Cost to Society Incalculable” says Hartford Courant op-ed endorsement of No Kid Hungry
- “Cured of leukemia. Killed by hopelessness”
- “Deep Poverty” is deeper than we thought
- “How does the story end?” Only time and “the imaginations of unreasonable men” will tell!
- “It is the Giant Hour”
- “Kids in poverty need escape velocity”
- “Monday, Monday, So Good To Me. Monday Morning it Was All I Hoped it Would Be” – The Mamas and The Papas
- “Neglected Diseases Are Perpetuated By Poverty”
- “No Great Cause is Ever Lost or Ever Won. The Battle Must Be Renewed and The Creed Restated” 28 Years of Taste of the Nation
- “Part of Loving Kids is Feeding Them”
- “So Rich, So Poor” Important New Book on Poverty in America
- “We Know the Solutions, But How Do We Deliver Them”
- “Act well your part, there all the honour lies.” Harry McPherson’s Memorial Service
- “The key to the future is finding the positive stories and getting people to tell them to each other.”
- 2016: Our forthcoming podcast on sharing your strength!
- A “race to the top” to end childhood hunger
- A “school breakfast dividend” that increases instructional time and boosts achievement
- A 50th Anniversary, Both Public and Private, of MLK I Have A Dream Speech
- A Doctor and His Camera Bear Witness in Haiti
- A glimmer of unity rather than division: political lessons from No Kid Hungry
- A government already shut down for too many
- A gratifying early review for IMAGINATIONS OF UNREASONABLE MEN
- A harsh critique of leaders who won’t use their post powerful tool: rhetorical suasion
- A Layer of Vulnerability That is Almost Irrevocable
- A Missing Ingredient in Closing Education Gap, Achieving Economic Growth
- A New Year Marked by Boldness and Accountability
- A New Year ritual of renewal
- A potentially seismic shift in the national political agenda
- A powerful, living, breathing reminder of what’s at stake with our No Kid Hungry campaign
- A Pulitzer Prize for Giving Voice to the Voiceless
- A Ray of Hope for Kids in Results of Election?
- A Real Dilemma for one sympathetic to The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men
- A Reminder This Thanksgiving That Charity is Not Enough
- A scientist whose tools are microscope and macroscope
- A Thanksgiving Blessing
- A Time of Growth for Community Wealth Ventures
- A War on Poverty May Require More Political Courage Than War on Terror
- A Well Deserved Tribute to the Civic Leadership of Danny Meyer
- Adam Nadel’s photographs bear witness to malaria’s toll
- Aloha ‘Āina: Food & Land Justice in Hawaii
- An economic and political climate that calls out for creating community wealth
- An inspiring example for the new 114th Congress: voters investing in kids
- An Unreasonable Man’s Triumph of Imagination
- And so it begins: first steps in 2016 presidential campaign
- Announcing Our New Podcast: ADD PASSION AND STIR
- Another chapter in The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men
- Another Major Milestone Toward Ending Childhood Hunger
- Are “neglected infections of poverty” taking their toll on Washington DC?
- At P.S. 20 in NY to Launch Expansion of Summer Meals
- Avoiding the Truth: The Hypocrisy of Debt Ceiling Deals and Bad Marriages
- Baton Rouge
- bearing witness in a quiet workshop in Haiti
- Bearing witness in Appalachia to mothers and babies
- Bearing Witness in Appalachia: Unseen America
- Bearing witness to children living with an unemployed parent
- Bearing Witness to Deep Poverty and Inspirational Leaders in Arkansas
- bearing witness to famine in Horn of Africa
- bearing witness to John Kennedy’s first action on hunger
- Behind Share Our Strength’s growth: talent, imagination, stubbornness
- Behind the scenes at Larry King Live
- Behind the Scenes at RNC In Tampa
- Behind the scenes with Jeff Bridges during No Kid Hungry launch
- Bill Gates, poverty, schools, race, and No Kid Hungry
- Bonus incentives to states for No Kid Hungry gains?
- Book Party Celebrating Global Health Entrepreneur Steve Hoffman
- Bread and Protest: connecting hunger, the voiceless, global health, and Egyptian Revolution
- California Here We Come
- Calling All Chefs! Calling All Chefs!
- Can you afford to not do advocacy?
- cathedral builders of science
- Celebrating economic success, waiting for economic justice
- Chef Mario Batali’s recipe for good management
- Child Nutrition Reauthorization: The Perfect and the Good
- Child Poverty Progress Is Measurable But Still Inadequate
- Community Wealth Partners celebrates the spirit of “Dream Forward”
- Confronting Bigotry With Values: Our New Moral Imperative
- Conversations on Food Justice: The Significant and Far Reaching Impact of the Criminal Justice System in America
- Countdown to World Malaria Day, April 25: failure to imagine or failure to care?
- Countdown to World Malaria Day: “Mission Accomplished”? (Why I cringe at the words)
- Countdown to World Malaria Day: at the intersection of imagination and malaria
- Countdown to World Malaria Day: Who is using market forces to scale their work?
- Creating Community Wealth – The Next Generation
- Crossing the threshold to historic levels of childhood hunger
- Curating Our Podcast: Add Passion and Stir 2.0
- Dan Pallotta’s inspiring vision of nonprofits achieving Apollo-like aspirations
- Darren Walker on Pepsi Board: Ethical Dilemma or Ethical Opportunity?
- Diana Chapman Walsh on “Morality Without Apology: Reclaiming Hubert Humphrey’s America
- Doctors Who Heal And Bear Witness
- Does Your Nonprofit Manage a “Social Strategy Supply Chain”?
- Election 2016, The Morning After
- Emergency Share Our Strength grant to save lives in Haiti
- Encouraging evidence that we are broadening our base
- Encouraging news to start the new year: bipartisan ship prevails with National Commission on Hunger
- Excerpt from my ride journal, #2 (for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry)
- Excerpts from commencement speech at Mass Bay Community College
- Facing the Housing Crisis: Keeping Americans Safe, Healthy, and Connected
- Failing to Protect Those Who Need it Most
- Falling stocks and the need to create community wealth
- Feeding Children Rather Than Campaign Consultants
- Final Countdown: 3 days til Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
- Finding Hope in a New Generation of Leadership
- Five pieces worth reading before World Malaria Day on Monday
- Food Sovereignty: Food and Justice for Native Peoples
- forgetting the unforgettable
- Forging Ahead Toward the Finish Line
- Four questions nonprofits must ask in light of dramatic rise in poverty
- From last night’s wreath laying ceremony at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on 70th anniversary of D-Day
- From The Chefs Cycle Finish LIne
- Gambling That We Can End Childhood Hunger in Las Vegas
- Gary Hart and the power of ideas
- Gates Foundation IOWH Grant
- Getting Off the Sidelines and Into the Game
- Giving “sharing strength” a whole new meaning via Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
- Good news, bad news in latest childhood hunger scorecard
- Goose Rocks Beach at First Light on New Year’s Day
- Graduation Speech at U of Pennsylvania May 15, 2016
- Grateful Response to the Wall Street Journal’s Review of THE IMAGINATIONS OF UNREASONABLE MEN
- Guest list for Add Passion And Stir, Share Our Strength’s New Podcast
- Haiti Update from Partners in Health
- Health conditions that emerge through poverty and cause it
- Help us scale Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry and Feed Thousands More Kids
- Hoping for some FDR in Obama State of the Union
- How has your nonprofit prepared for the new economic environment?
- How Poverty Has Disappeared from the National Dialogue
- Hunger as a Racial Justice Issue: Why That Matters and What We Can Do About It
- Hunger during recession is tragic, during economic growth it’s an inexcusable betrayal
- Imagining a National School of Tropical Medicine and Neglected Infections of Poverty for North America
- Impressive Corporate Leadership in the Fight to End Childhood Hunger in the U.S.
- In Reducing the Federal Budget we have Reduced the National Imagination
- In the presidents cabinet – putting the most vulnerable and voiceless first
- Increase in Poverty Not Surprising, But Lack of Bold Response Is
- Increasing Child Poverty and the Political Culture in America Today
- Increasing civic participation as political participation shrinks
- Ingredients of Successful Growth: Learning to Collaborate and Compete
- Intersection of Poverty and Place Matters, and Creates New Challenges
- Jeff Bridges Day Off : All About Serving Others, Making Connections
- Jim and Karen Ansara: Not giving up on Haiti
- Jim Ansara returns to Haiti with Partners in Health
- Keynote at Texas Hunger Initiative Summit: Together at The Table, Baylor University
- Keynoting The Haiti Fund lunch
- Knees the combined age of 120 and other things I worry about while training for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
- L.A. Success Story
- Labor Day comments on link between jobs and hunger
- Language of leadership for the new year
- Latest HuffPosts re Reshaping The Natonal Agenda to Include End to Childhood Hunger
- Leading health care CEO speaks out on link between hunger and health care
- Lesson from Chefs Cycle: Capable of More than We Think We Are
- lessons from Los Angeles launch of No Kid Hungry campaign
- lessons from our border for The National Commission on Hunger
- lessons in “eradication”, whether malaria or childhood hunger
- letter about the danger zone ahead in Haiti
- Letter from 52nd Street Elementary School in South L.A.
- Letter From a Small Island in A Scary World
- Letter from Goose Rocks Beach Observing Senators and Seals
- letter from my ride journal for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry, training day #1
- Letter From NASDAQ: The Importance of Investing in Our Kids
- Letter from the Hardest Day of Chefs Cycle
- letter from the hippocampus
- Letter From Zavala County
- letter to my colleagues the morning after the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School
- Linking Hunger and Global Health
- Looking Beyond the Conventional Wisdom on Unemployment
- Looking For the Light – The Hidden Life and Art of Marion Post Walcott
- Louisianans Have Long Memories
- MArian Wright Edelman bearing witness to child poverty
- Marian Wright Edelman’s Commencement Speech at Colorado College
- Mario Morino on the fiscal crisis facing nonprofits and the need to rethink and reinvent
- Mark Shriver, Pope Francis, The Year of Mercy, Sharing Strength
- Maryland success highlights need for American Meals For Achievement
- Memorial Day Weekend at Goose Rocks Beach
- Moral Imagination – a post Haiti work in progress
- More Poverty, Less Concern
- More Prominent Business, Political, and Culinary Leaders On ADD PASSION AND STIR
- My Keynote in Denver to Hunger Free Colorado Summit on day of first presidential debate
- My list of Top Ten Lessons of 2010
- My pathetic effort to fast in protest of budget cuts
- New Brookings Study of Suburban “Cul De Sac” Poverty
- New public suppport for not only feeding kids, but preventing hunger
- New York Review of Books on The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men
- Newly named CBS Evening News Anchor Scott Pelley, Bearing Witness with Share Our Strength
- NKH Campaign, “What’s” Been Achieved, and “So What?”
- No Kid Hungry and the human capital needed for national security
- Noel Cunningham’s funeral: extraordinary tribute to private citizen with public following
- Nonprofit sector must compensate for candidate and media failure to make child poverty an issue
- Nonprofits and Voter Apathy: Missing The Forest for The Trees
- Nonprofits connecting to public policy to reach a broader audience
- NY Times editorial on hunger tells half the story
- Obama Administration Steps Up Effort to End Childhood Hunger
- Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast
- Obama has an alternative to skirmishing with Congress: working with Governors on No Kid Hungry
- On the 50th anniversary of LBJ’s “war on poverty” bill
- On World Malaria Day: A Fatal Case of Political Laryngitis
- One Step Forward (Science), Two Steps Back (Politics)
- Orlando and the Imperative of Rededicating Ourselves to Mission and Humanity
- Our fragile and interdependent political ecosystem
- Our Nation’s First Summit on Rural Childhood Hunger
- Our Six Keys to Sustaining Success
- Overcoming Failures of Imagination
- Paris, the day after
- Partners in Health provides transparency and health care
- Peter Hotez’s breakthrough on behalf of the most vulnerable and voiceless
- planned “surge” in Haiti food distribution and other notes from Share Our Strength conference call
- Polio, malaria, hunger and expensive failures of imagination
- Postcard from where the economic recovery never happened
- Potential for severe harm from House budget for the most vulnerable and voiceless
- Poverty, Hunger and “Dark Money”
- powerful guest post from Timberland CEO Jeff Swartz Upon Return From Haiti
- President Obama Goes Big in Budget to Fight Hunger and Poverty
- President Obama’s Failure of Imagine re American Competitiveness
- Presidential politics and nonprofit “rules for relevance”
- Public-Private Partnerships at the Heart of Our Success with No Kid Hungry Campaign
- Refugee Crisis: When Strategy and Humanitarian Impulse Go Hand In Hand
- Remarkable Results from No Kid Hungry campaign in Arkansas
- Remarks at our Summer Meals Summit on December 5
- Remarks for Fairfield University Graduate Schools Commencement
- Remarks To National Head Start Association Announcing Partnership to Reach 10,000 Head Start Parents with Cooking Matters At The Store
- Remembering Harry McPherson
- Remembering Leah Chase
- Remembering my turn at in that classic role: summer intern
- remembering Noel Cunningham: “a virtue went out of him, sugaring the sour ones”
- rising food prices push millions into extreme poverty
- Sara Brenner’s 8 common elements of successful social transformation initiatives
- School breakfast as a “force multiplier” for educational achievement
- Seizing the Moment: An Emerging Consensus to Make Poverty a National Priority
- Serendipity or the power of bearing witness?
- Shaming Our Nation into Caring About Hunger
- Share Our Strength board supports capacity building
- Share Our Strength’s Growth: secrets of success, lesson #1
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #10
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #2
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #3
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #4
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #5
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #6
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #7
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #8
- Share Our Strength’s unprecedented growth: secrets of success, lesson #9
- Sharing our Strategy With the Nation’s Governors
- Sharing Strengths to Support Community Colleges
- Small milestones, historic achievements on the path to ending hunger
- SNAP (food stamps) one of our most effective childhood hunger programs
- Sound Asleep and Still Changing The World – Arianna Huffington and chef Claudia Fleming on our podcast
- Sounds of silence greet new report showing jump in child poverty
- Sounds of Silence Greet Shocking New Poverty Statistics
- Sounds of Silence: Are Nonprofits Too Passive About Public Policy?
- Special Culinary Opportunity for Donors to My Chefs Cycle Ride
- STATEMENT: Share Our Strength’s Lisa Davis Reacts to House FY24 Agriculture Appropriation Bill’s Cuts to WIC
- Still swimming against the current: an unreasonable man speaks out
- Strategic Lessons for Nonprofits from Business Innovators and Entrepreneurs
- Supposed to inspire them, but they inspired me instead
- Surviving Chefs Cycle – And Still Loving The Ride!
- Targeting early investments in children for greater return
- Teacher Unity Rare – Except About Hunger in the Classroom!
- The best anti-hunger news of 2019 so far …
- The Dog that Didn’t Bark and the Deficit Hawk That Didn’t Swoop
- THE FEVER, a courageous book bears witness to the drama of man’s struggle to end malaria
- The First Rule of Creating a Winning Culture: We Don’t Hire Knuckleheads! – on our new Add Passion And Stir
- The First White House Convening on Childhood Hunger
- The fleeting possibility of political unity on behalf of our nations kids
- The lasting power of bearing witness
- The long and winding road of Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
- The military’s green revolution and the imaginations of unreasonable men
- The moment of truth for Chefs Cycle for No Kid Hungry
- The morning after – what the election means for our No Kid Hungry Campaign
- The morning after the 2012 presidential election
- The Political Courage of A Governor and No Kid Hungry Champion
- The politics of helping hungry kids
- The power of bearing witness, as seen at Lincoln’s Summer Cottage
- The Second Greatest Danger of Campaign 2016
- The Social Determinants of Health and Hunger
- The Sound of Community Being Built
- The Story You Won’t Hear at the Democratic Convention in Charlotte
- The strategic imperative of broadening the base
- The Unique Role of Public Affairs in Giving Voice to the Voiceless
- The Urgency of Bearing Witness
- Three Governors whose leadership makes a difference
- Tom Vilsack and Cesar Chavez, bearing witness across half a century
- Top 10 things I don’t keep count of when on my bike
- Top 6 Reasons Why No Kid Hungry Campaign is Needed and Destined to Succeed
- Tribute to Triumph of Imagination That Lives on at The Barnes Foundation
- True to our mission and roots, Share Our Strength grants $100,000 for children of Syrian refugee crisis
- Tuesday’s Democratic Presidential Debate – what they candidates say and don’t say.
- Two Books Give Voice to the Voiceless Suffering from Malaria
- Update From ConAgra Foods Foundation on Ending Hunger
- Upon accepting the Jefferson Award for public service
- Upon Returning to Boylston Street After Boston’s Worst Week
- USDA reports “lowest figures on record for food insecurity among children”
- Using Entrepreneurship to Address Extreme Poverty
- vaccinating against misery whether health, Haiti, hunger
- Washington is not just out of money, it is out of big and bold ideas
- Washington’s Best Kept Billion Dollar Secret
- We all have something to learn from our kid’s teachers
- What Americans may be telling us about our values
- What Do You Get When You Put a Physican Behind a Hot Stove?
- What nonprofits can learn about donor development from Apple’s remarkable success at retail
- What we owe our partners and other stakeholders
- What We’re Learning At State Level About How to Get Things Done
- When “everything is on the table” in budget battles, does that include the truth? Or our principles?
- When celebrity, creativity, and collaboration combine to create community wealth
- When Non-Profits Are Their Own Worst Enemy
- When poltical calculation becomes politcal callousness
- When social change begins with changing the conversation
- When the Geese Fly South and the Work Begins Anew
- Where Freedom Costs The Most
- Where politics and science meet
- Where the rubber meets the road: CSR and shareholder value
- Who Sits At Your Table? One of our most personal and provocative episodes of Add Passion and Stir
- Who will speak out on behalf of the voiceless?
- Why America’s Children are the Next Great Cause Worth Fighting For
- Why NY Mayor de Blasio should lead, not just wait and follow, the national movement for school breakfast after the bell
- Why the Debt Ceiling Deal Makes Our No Kid Hungry Strategy More Important
- Why This Time is Different in The Fight to End Childhood Hunger
- Why We Can Succeed in Ending Childhood Hunger (Remarks at Autumn Harvest Dinner)
- With thanks to the Pucker Gallery for my first book party
- Women and Children First! (When it comes to short-sighted budget cuts)
- Woody Guthrie and the power of bearing witness
- Would It Spoil Some Vast Eternal Plan?
- Yesterday’s Extraordinary Opportunity with the Nation’s Governors
- Yet Again, the Power of Bearing Witness